Stan's Notes

Random thoughts and book reviews

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Jerusalem First Post

I have tried to do these blogs in chronological order, but we have had such an incredible last couple of days that I wanted to go ahead and share with you.  I will catch up with earlier experiences later.

We arrived in Jerusalem by bus on Monday.  Each day of this week has been filled with deeply moving experiences,but Saturday and Sunday have been overwhelming.

On Saturday evening each week, NETS has partnered with the Filipino Baptist Church in Tel Aviv to provide courses toward a Certificate in Christian Leadership.  Pastor Aries has done a great job in developing this congregation.  One of his more creative outreaches is sponsoring bus trips to various areas in Israel over the weekend. Most of the Filipinos work six day weeks and have either Saturday or Sunday off from work.  So he periodically conducts bus tours each of those days.  One of those trips was Saturday and included a sunrise service on the Mount of Olives!  He asked me to share with the group.
So Lynda and I made our way across the city from our apartment at 6:30 a. m.!  We watched the sunrise over the Mount of Olives and watched the colors of the Old City change from gray to a wonderful golden glow!
Then a little after 7:00 a. m. we gathered for worship on the hillside. 
We were even joined by a camel!
Great praise music!

So I had the opportunity to share the story of Christ with three busloads of wonderful people from Tel Aviv on the top of the Mount of Olives.  Many indicated that they made a commitment to become a Christ follower!  An amazing experience!
Pastor Aries is doing a phenomenal job of leading his church but also providing effective and creative ministries to the larger community.  Through these many come to a new or deeper commitment to Christ. In the last blog I asked for your prayers for this service.  Thank you!

We then headed to the Old City for a day of sightseeing.  We walked through the busy market area.
 But first stopped for tea and some snacks for breakfast!

At the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City, they have restored and created a wonderful museum, Tower of David Museum, which provides an historical overview of the city of Jerusalem.  

Then we were able to do one of the things we had most looked forward to--walk the rampart walls around the city!  You can actually walk almost the entire circumference of the Old City along the walls.  We did about half of the city!
It was a wonderful walk and provided fantastic views across the city!  We finished the day with a visit to David's Tomb and the Upper Room and then to a place called Peter in Gallicantu, where tradition locates Caiaphas' house and the location of where Peter denied Christ.  The church even has a rooster on top!

Easter just added to the excitement of our time here.  I will post another blog tomorrow about our experiences being in Jerusalem for Easter!

Please pray:
For the Vice-President of NETS Azar Ajaj.  His father passed away Saturday evening.
For the NETS courses being taught at the Filipino Church that new leaders will be trained, encouraged and then step up in ministry.
For NETS students who are in the midst of completing papers and other assigned projects.
For peace in this land

Stan and Lynda


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