Stan's Notes

Random thoughts and book reviews

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17 Blog Post

One of the more recent biblical sites in Nazareth is Nazareth Village.  It's the recreation of a first century Galilean farm setting.  The guides do a great job of connecting the various aspects of the setting with stories and teachings in the life of Christ.  When we walked into the  main office we discovered Mike Huckabee and Pat Boone had a tour group there!  They walk you through a setting with shepherds, wine press and olive press.  Then you walk through the home of a carpenter and a weaver before settling in a replica of a Nazareth synagogue.  Really interesting stuff!  We were here two years ago, but this time we could take it at a more leisurely pace and stayed for lunch.  Great meal of lentil soup, hummus, hyssop, cabbage, pita and chicken with fruit and a date spread for dessert!  We were going to take the bus out to the location but along the way we met an older gentlemen who said he would take us there walking.  Elias was named after the prophet Elijah and comes from a Christian family.  He must have been over 85 years old and kept asking us if we were walking okay!

Tomorrow we are taking a three day drive around Upper Galilee.  We will be seeing Mt Gilboa Mt Tabor Nain, as well as the ancient ruins of Beth Shean and driving around the Sea of Galilee.  We will be staying in a bed and breakfast in a Kibbutz not too far from Capernaum.  Should have some great photos and stories!

Today we worshipped with the Good Shepherd Baptist Church which is walking distance from our apartment.  Though we did not understand much of what was being said, the worship was powerful and through the music there was a deep sense of the presence of the Lord.  Most of the members are new believers and they had a joy and a sense of fellowship that was contagious.  Pastor Afif has become a friend.  We will plan on coming to church here often.

Every couple of days we go down to the market in the Old City--Souk and eat sweets and drink tea and coffee.  It is a fascinating place with winding alleyways lined with shops and vendors like these women selling vegetables.

Well we have almost completed two weeks here and are having a wonderful time.  I will close with one more photo--a sunset shot from near our apartment to remind you to pray for the people of Nazareth that they would come to know the Light of the World!


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