Stan's Notes

Random thoughts and book reviews

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, March 28, 2013

This is such a rich and diverse country and the opportunities that Lynda and I have enjoyed have made it almost impossible to keep up with each day's new experiences.  Let me catch up on a few items:

Nimrod's Fortress sits high on a hill in northern Galilee like a fairy-tale castle.  It was built in the 13th century to protect the route from Tyre to Damascus.  The drive up to the fortress as well as the view from the top were breathtaking!  We then headed further north to Mt Hermon, which sits on the border with Syria. 

 It is now a very popular ski resort for all kinds of people from all over Israel.
This ridge on Mt Hermon is where the countries of Lebanon, Syria and Israel meet!

Our next day trip took us to Mt Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration (although many argue that it was at Mt Hermon.)  Mt Tabor is just a short distance south of Nazareth and sits in the middle of the Jezreel Valley like a huge haystack. 

On top is the beautiful Basilica of the Transfiguration with incredibly diverse and colorful gardens.

Several villages line the base of the Mountain including Deborah and En Dor where Saul sought out the counsel of a medium.

In the midst of these traveling opportunities we continue to participate with the weekly prayer gathering of NETS staff and the Tuesday evening classes.  Lynda and I are working on implementing the first stages of a development plan for the seminary.  We are updating and revising their mailing list and preparing a series of publications to tell the story of NETS, its students, faculty and alumni.  When the first issue is ready to be sent I will let all of you know how you can be on their e-letter list.  NETS continues to provide theologically sound and academically rigorous training which is unlike anything else in the country.  It has been a privilege to be associated with them.

On a recent Sunday we had the privilege of traveling with Pastor Afif and Mimi to the Jordan River and then out for lunch.  Yardenit is the place along the Jordan where tradition says Jesus was baptized by John.  It may not be the actual place but it provides a wonderful setting to consider it.
Lynda and Mimi on the Jordan River

Church groups come here daily to conduct baptismal services.
Here is a gentleman who was just baptized who paused in the river and had a private time of praise and worship!

We are getting ready for a road trip to Jerusalem, so we spent a week just in Nazareth, visiting places we had missed and enjoying this wonderful city.
We really enjoy the food!  These are five "salads" that are often served as  preliminaries to the main meal!
The massive Basilica of the Annunciation dominates the skyline of Nazareth
.We continue to enjoy our Saturday mornings at the local market.  Where each trip we meet new people and enjoy tea, coffee and sweets with our friends!

Our bread lady makes a fantastic bread with anise.
Plus making new friends!

Our apartment sits behind this tan building.

At the end of this lane.

Here is the view just below our apartment as we walk down into town.
 I will be posting another blog in another day or two from our trip to Jerusalem.

Please pray for me on Saturday morning as I have been asked to speak at an evangelistic rally on the Mount of Olives!  Thanks for following us on our journey in Israel!  Have a blessed Easter!


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