Stan's Notes

Random thoughts and book reviews

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14 Blog Post

Today they are supposed to install our router so we can have wifi from the apartment!  That will make communication much easier. 

Yesterday was a wonderful day of sightseeing and building relationships.  It was a beautiful sunny day so we walked up to our friend Michael's spices shop to visit.  In the course of conversation he called a friend and the next thing we knew we had a taxi to take us to the Mount of Precipice.  The location where it is  believed that a mob took Jesus after He spoke in the synagogue in Nazareth reading from Isaiah 61.  It is an incredible 360 degree view of the Jezreel Valley.  We could see Mt Tabor, Afula and a wonderful overlook of Nazareth.

Synagoge where Jesus spoke.  It is a Greek Catholic Church today.  Floor from the 4th century and the walls and ceiling from the Crusader era in the 12th century built on the foundation of the old synagogue

Mt Tabor

Upon our return a pastor we met called and invited us to his house for lunch.  Afif is a wonderfully passionated church planter and evangelist.  His church, The Good Shepherd Baptist Church was started about 17 months ago.  The membership is about 60 with mostly new believers.  Afif is a student at NETS and has a passion for church planting and evangelism.  He also has a ministry in the Negev among Bedouins.  He has invited us to go with him!  We are really excited about that opportunity.

Pray for Afif in his ministry and in his studies at NETS.  Pray for his wife Mimi who is a teacher and a student.  They literally have no time off.  Local funds are limited for their work.  Truly precious godly servants of the Lord.

View of Nazareth from Mount Precipice.  Our apartment is near the top of the hillside in the middle of the picture.


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